
Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Happy Thoughts - Meditation Techniques

Tejgyan is the existential wisdom of the ultimate truth, which is beyond duality. In today's world, there are a lot of people who feel disharmony and are desperately trying to achieve some balance in an unpredictable life. Tejgyan helps them in harmonizing with their true nature, the Self, thereby restoring balance in all aspects of their life.

Meditation is a quality of the Self, an attribute of your essential nature. Meditation is that source within you which is present regardless of whether you are in the state of deep sleep or in a waking state. 

Benefit of Meditation

Enhanced decision making power.
Breaking of attachment with thought and body.
Increased sensitivity.
Better control over feelings and emotions.
Improved concentration and memory.
High level of awareness.
Learning to experience the joy of silence.
Complete relaxation and restoration of health for the body and the mind.
Most importantly, realizing your true nature.


Understanding Is The Whole Thing

What is understanding?

There are many paths to Truth – Japa (chanting), Tapa (penance), Tantra, Mantra, Karma, Dharma, Bhakti (devotion), etc. And the destination (aim) of all these paths is the same – to experience Final Truth. At the end of all these paths, the knowledge that is realized is the same. It is this realization, this knowledge that is called understanding.

Requirements for Understanding

If you have the desire to attain truth, you are welcome in the Maha Aasmani Retreat, the two-day retreat where this understanding is imparted. The retreat is totally free of cost, but you have to fulfill certain requirements viz.: Attend the Foundation Truth Retreat where you will learn how to live in the present every moment and how to begin to access a thoughtless state. Attend a few preparatory discourses where you soak in the understanding you gained in the Foundation Truth and then you are ready for the Maha Aasmani Retreat.


Tej Gyan Foundation (TGF) was established with the mission of creating a highly evolved society through all-round self development of every individual that transforms all the facets of his/her life.  It is a non-profit organization founded on the teachings of Sirshree. The foundation has received the ISO Certification (ISO 9001:2008) for its system of imparting wisdom. It has centres all across India as well as in other countries. The motto of Tej Gyan Foundation is ‘Happy Thoughts’.

" A onetime Self Realization experience is not enough. Being Self Stabilized in the experience is more improvement and then follows."